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21 January 2021

hard islamic questions and answers

Why is that?This is what the Qur’an, Hadith, and scholarly consensus confirm and constitute.What Ayah is called “The master of the Ayahs” in the Qur’an?Ayat Al-Kursiyy, reading this Ayah which is in Surat Al-Baqarah {255} daily will protect you from the evil by the Will and Mercy of Allah.The Kalam of Allah is not like our Kalam, what does this mean?Allah is not like the creations. Answer: During the afternoon of 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah. The companions asked Him, Who would be saved?” What was our beloved’s response?Our beloved Prophet responded by saying that those who follow me and my companions will be saved. Answer: The merciful. Name each part of Quran: What does Quran call money? To degrade or belittle a Prophet is actually in fact degrading the wisdom of Allah, because Allah sent these Prophets to be followed and honored. * 2 * 6 * 8 * 9 3. Islam Question & Answer is a site that aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to anyone's question about Islam Tuesday 5 Jumada al-akhirah 1442 - 19 January 2021 English 2) Who is the last prophet in Islam? They are in the most beautiful of forms. Make sure you know the personal obligatory knowledge and teach it to your children and families. Allah will create new flesh and the same thing will happen again and again, never ending. Islamic Religion and Culture. Angel Jibreel is the best Angel, for He was the deliverer of the honorable revelations to the Prophets. A common name is “An-nar”How many surahs are there in the Qur’an?114 surahs.What is one of the thirty parts of the Qur’an called in Arabic?Juzu'What is the age of the people in Paradise?33 years of age.How many days are in the Islamic lunar month?The Islamic lunar month could be 29 or 30 days.What are the names of the four famous Khalifas (rulers)?Abu-bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali were the four guided khalifas (rulers) after our beloved Prophet died.What is the “Golden Rule” concerning our belief of Allah?“Whatever you imagine in your mind is a creation and Allah is not like that.”The largest creation is size is called Al-Arsh. Answer: Two. Blasphemy by conviction is to believe that Allah is a body, light, or spirit, or to believe that Islam is not true. Who are they? { }This ayah means: All the Angels prostrated for Adam except Iblis (Satan) who was a Jinn that disobeyed his lord.Why do the Muslims say that the existence of Allah is not bound by time or place?Place is for bodies and Allah is not a body. 75. 67. Answer: Angel. A hard body is something that can be grasped with the hand. This is an eternal and everlasting attribute of Allah. The Qu’ran  says “Laysa  Kamithlihi Shay’un” which means that absolutely nothing is like Allah.There are three groups of people who will not suffer the everlasting punishment in the hellfire even though they disbelieved. 18. 95. Answer: In 29:45. Answer: Brother of Muhammad’s father. What is the name of this book?This is a meaning of a statement in the Holy Qu’ran. Answer: Islamic quiz questions . What does the word Israel mean? Answer: 13:7, 15:36, 35:24. this is what is mentioned in Surah Ikhlas, in Quran. The word means "evidence," "sign" or "miracle," and in Islam may refer to things other than Quranic verses, such as religious obligations (ayat taklifiyyah) or cosmic phenomena (ayat takwiniyyah). 28. Anything that changes has a beginning, middle and end. This shows His status among them.How do we say the Attribute of Oneness in Arabic, and what does it mean?“Al-Wahdaniyyah”; this attribute means that Allah is One without a partner.What is the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad?He is Muhammad, the son of ^Abdullah, the son of ^Abul-Muttalib, the son of Hashim, the son of ^Abdu-Manaf from the tribe of Quraysh. We are asking Allah to increase the Prophets honor and rank and to to protect the Prophet’s nation. Al-Aqeedah,  one of his famous books on Islamic beliefs is studied in mosques and universities all over the Muslim countries. Allah ordered us to love Him and follow Him. 79. 44. Perhaps you are a Muslim and want to challenge yourself on your faith, or perhaps you simply want to find out more about the religion. There are other ways to say the shahada.There are three groups of people whose bodies do not decay in the grave. What does it mean when we say "Allahumma Salli ^Ala Muhammad"? The father was once a child, and the son will likely be a father by God’s will. 98. O Allah, fill our hearts with the love of Your Prophet and His dear companions and kind family. What are some of the tortures?The body of the kafir will be much larger in the hellfire. 94. Who is Yūsuf Nabi? Yes 2 In which month was the Qur’an first revealed to Nabi Muhammad (pbuh)? 13. Answer: Five times. Answer: Corduene, south of Lake Van. 43. Allah is neither a light nor hard body. 5) Which is the month of fasting in Islam? The Qu’ran  has many benefits; it is used as a medicine and cures by Allah’s will. 31. The Honorable Ayah means “Not a word is uttered, unless recorded by Raqib and Atid.Meat is halal if it is hand-slaughtered by a Muslim, Christian, or Jew. Anyone who is weak is not God. 89. Why is the month of Ramadan chosen for observing fasting? 3. The prophet told us that whoever visits His grave will be granted shafa^ah by Him.O Allah, enable us to visit his grave in Medina.A Prophet may fall into a small sin which is not abject or mean. Belittling the Prophets is totally against Islam as confirmed by the Qu’ran, Hadith and scholarly consensus.When the Prophet died he had about 100,000 companions. 7. We can not attribute weakness to God. Answer: Yāˈqub Isḥāq. Allah existed before the sky 4. In Al-^Aqeedah he said that if a person hit glass with a stone and broke it, then the acts of hitting and breaking and the state of the glass being broken were created by Allah. 46. Re: 11 questions about islam which no muslim can ever answer 8. because from time to time, despite the numerous peace treaties, these people always betrayed and break them --- and always waging war against Islam causing chaos over and over again. What does believing in Al-Qadar mean?Believing in Al-Qadar means to have a firm conviction that everything is the way it is because Allah willed so. 20. 1) Who is the first prophet in Islam? What does the number of wings of angels represent? Being ignorant of these attributes is an enormous sin, while denying any of them is disbelief (kurfr).The Prophet taught us that most of the sins that people commit are from their tongues. What is Tawaf? The Angels place the books on those pans. The last Juzu starts with a surah called ‘An-Naba’.Define “Al-Hawd” in the hereafter.Al-Hawd is a large body of water which is described as being whiter than snow and sweeter than honey. The fruits of the trees are always ripe. When should the Hajj pilgrims be present in Arafah? The companions did not just write books and give them away, but rather they explained face-to-face the details of the knowledge given to them by the Messenger of Allah. Which is the native place of Lot Nabi? Prophets never do such sins. Sometimes a person finds that he cannot do anything to change a certain situation; in that case he would have to reject it in his heart. Answer: At- Tauhid. The one whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will go to Paradise without any punishment. These fun little brainteasers are among the best questions to ask people who love learning and can appreciate a good challenge. 54th chapter of Quran is: 8. In which city was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) born? Answer: A large ground. Answer: The daughters of Allah. Allah is not harmed by His creations, nor is He benefited. The supposed span of life of Noah: Answer: During the age of 41 to 63. Many of the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-jama^ah mentioned in their books the obligation of knowing these attributes.What is the proof from the Qu’ran that Satan (Shaytan) was not an angel, but rather a jinn? 3) What is the number of prophets in Islam? When we say that Allah spoke to Moses, one should not understand by this that Allah had a voice, or created speech. Answer: Juz. (the Lord,the Creator etc). If one’s bad deeds outweigh their good deeds then one of two things will happen. Those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger will not benefit from their actions in this world even if they did lots of good to the Muslims.What are some of the punishments in the grave?Kuffar (non Muslims) and some bad Muslims will receive torture in the grave. Allah is not like the creations.Why is it blasphemy to say that the devil creates evil?Because Allah is the only Creator. Answer: 114. Religions - Islam Quizzes Hard islamic quiz questions and answers. People drink in Paradise for pleasure only and not for thirst.What are the five attributes that all Prophets have in common?All Prophets were Muslim. Which month is chosen for observing fasting? 1. what is the Ayah that has the entire Arabic alphabet in it? Where did Syu’aib Nabi live? people cannot fall into the same hole twice. Where does Judee hill located? Every mercy from Him is due to His generosity and every punishment from Him is just. 7. First is the belief that there is no God but Allah and Muhammd Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam is … It is impossible to mean ‘light’ when referred to Allah, because Allah is not like His creations.What is one of the common names for ‘hellfire’ in Arabic?Hellfire has many names in Arabic. Every Muslim will drink from this Hawd before entering Paradise. Where is Baalbek city situated? a) Adam. Answer: In Hijas near Syria. One must be sincere to start with, then think whether a benefit will come out of his ordering the good; if not, then he should not act. What is Quran meant for? The bridge (sirat) extends over the hellfire, one edge of it is on the changed earth, while the other edge is on what leads to Paradise. Answer: In Transjordan. Answer: In Palestine. This Site Might Help You. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. Allah answers the prayers of the pious and lessens or completely relieves the bad Muslims of their punishments. What will the kafir say while seeing this happen?The kafir will say “I wish I was sand” which means “I wish I lived my life as an animal and turned into sand rather than being a kafir.It is strongly recommended to visit the Prophet’s grave in Medina and give him salaam. In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Islamic Quiz Questions with Answers – I. Islam Quiz – II; Originally posted 2016-05-20 20:20:27. How many wings does Angel Jibreel have?Most of the times Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) appeared to Prophet Muhammad in the form of a very handsome man. Hellfire has extremes of heat and cold. It is also kurfr to say about a matter that is commonly known between Muslims as haram, which is halal and vise-versa. This means that one of the so-called Gods did not get what he willed, which is a sign of weakness. Give one example of both a hard body and a light body. Anything with created attributes is a creation and not Allah the Creator. In it he said that Allah is not contained by the six directions: up, down, right, left, front, and back.How old was Prophet Muhammad when he received Prophethood, and where was He?40 years old; He was in a cave called ‘Hira’, on a mountain called ‘Jabalun-nur’.How long was it before Prophet Muhammad received the whole Qur’an?23 yearsIn Islam, a woman is treated with dignity and respect, and not as a sex symbol. Answer: Mohammad’s. 54. If we hear of a king or president that wanted something but didn’t get it, we would all admit that he was weak and limited. 71. Allah does not need what He created 3. This is confirmed by the Qu’ran, Hadith, and scholarly consensus.Why is it blasphemy to say that Allah loves all the creation? Unfortunately, these days we notice many parents stress on Quran recitation more than anything else. 15. The one creation most deserving our love is the Prophet Muhammad. After this drink no one will ever suffer thirst. The bad Muslims who are not forgiven and go to hellfire will not stay there forever. Where is Madyan situated? The Prophet wouldn’t have told us that a person may utter a word he thinks is harmless, and that word will lead him to become a kafir. Allah made Jesus without a father and made Adam without either father or mother; yet we haven’t heard anyone call Adam God’s son. Know that It is not permissible to ask those who do not have knowledge an Islamic Judgement, nor is it permissible for the unqualified person to answer. 42. 40. Satan was never an angel.The Qur’an is divided into thirty divisions, each part is called a Juzu. 41. RE: tough Islamic trivia questions? Answer: Ibrahim. Answer: At Hegira. 35. Answer: The servant of Allah. Answer: Patients, those who are at a journey, the carrying ones, breast-feeding mothers, the menstruated ones. My Rubb is Allah Who has created me and all that exists. 1. Name some of these scholars.Imam Abu-Hanifah, Imam Al-Ghazaliyy,  Imam As-Sanusiyy, Imam Al-^Abdariyy,Imam Al-Isfarayiniyy, Imam Al-Fudaliyy, and many others. Answer: 950 years. All Prophets knew about the last Prophet Muhammad and told their peoples to believe in him.What is the proof from the Qur’an that Islam is the only true religion?Surat Ale ^Imran Ayah. 88. Islamic Quiz:Try our Islamic Quizzes to increase your knowledge on Islam.Quiz on Quran,salah,Islam and other aspects of muslim life. Where was Ibrahim Nabi born? They are neither male nor female. This happened other occasions as well. By that, one would be claiming that Allah is weak and this is impossible. The word Quran means: The Prophet is the bravest of all creations. Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) father, Abdullah, died before he was born, but how old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when his mother Aminah died? Quran calls the Christians and the Jews Bani Israeel. 1. They have a will and always choose to obey Allah.What are the meanings of the word “nur” and what does the name of Allah "An-Nur” mean?Nur, also spelled ‘noor’ could mean light, or it could have a meaning related to guidance. No one can say that Allah or His rules are unfair; this is blasphemy.How was Islamic knowledge transferred and how should it be obtained?Prophet Muhammad taught His companions who passed their knowledge down to their students. It is not a scripture that was authored by Prophet Muhammad or Angel Jibreel (Gabriel). What does ‘Malaikah’ mean? Not every Muslim needs to know the entire Qu’ran or master the Arabic language. “Ma sha'a Allahu kaan”How is the word “angel” said in the Arabic language?“Malak” is the way to say ‘angel’ in the Arabic language. Name the book which’ has set forth Mohammad’s routine life and pieces of advice? Answer: After an iddah. What is the name of the last Juzu in the Qur’an?The last Juzu is called ^Amma or An-Naba. What is the scripture of Islam religion? Who are they?Prophets, Martyrs, and some Pious Muslims.On the Day of Judgment, Allah will bring all the humans and animals back to life. 25. Answer: Hajar al Aswad. The animals will be turned into sand. Allah gave Moses the Power to hear His Kalam (Speech) which is not like our speech composed of letters, sounds, and having a beginning and ending. ... such as respect for education, hard work, … Answer: Firaun’s. He explained the Qu’ran and authored many books. What is ‘Arafah’? Answer: Quran. What is iddah? My religion is Islam, which … One may donate a million dollars to build a mosque to show off in front of the people and receive nothing for that in the hereafter. Pure water sprang from between the fingers of the Holy Prophet; this happened at a time when the Muslims were extremely thirsty and needed to make wudu’ (ablutions). The more you learn about Prophet Muhammad and His message, the more your heart softens and it is purified from the ways of misguidance. * Mecca * Riyadh * Madina * Jeddah 2. 60. How could He love someone and send them to hellfire forever?Who came with a book called “Al-Injeel” and how do we say that Prophet’s name in Arabic?Prophet Jesus came with Al-Injeel, which is the true Bible and not the one we see today since it contains many statements insulting Allah and His Prophets. Joking is not an excuse for blasphemy. 37. Quran refers to Mecca by another name. Answer: Mohammad. What is the stone fixed in the wall on the corner of Kaaba called? He told us seventy –two  would be in hellfire, and one would be in Paradise. A small abject sin is like stealing a grape. Question & Answers (0) There are three members in Abdullah's Family. 83. What is meant by Hajj? Be warned of the wahhabbi faction who try to claim Allah was in the sky; this is clear blasphemy because Allah is not a body and exists without a place. How many times in a day should one observe Salah? A light body is something that cannot be grasped with the hand, like the rays of sunshine. What are angels called in Zoroastrianism religion? 93. 85. Which part of Quran mentions the achievements in life as a result of observing Salah? Our attribute of speech is created. Answer: Al-Qamar. Islamic philosophers, scientists, poets and engineers have made tremendous contributions to both Islamic and Western civilization. Answer: Caliph Uthman. Who is the ‘He’ referred to here? He would repent immediately before anyone would imitate Him in that small sin. 3. Basic Islamic Quiz Questions with Answers for Kids, Adults (Click on the below link to view questions and answers) Islamic Quiz Questions with Answers for Kids, Adults - 1. There is an election coming up on 18 May 2019. 70. They are not male or female. You will notice that your children will ask you many questions about Allah because they see you mentioning His Name alot and praying to Him. He even prayed to Allah. { }What is the meaning of “ Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jama^a”?The people of the Sunnah, meaning those who follow the creed and methodology of the Prophet Muhammad, and the Jama^ah, meaning the Prophet’s Companions.What is the general proof of the existence of Allah?Every action needs an actor, every book needs a writer, every building needs a builder, every painting needs an artist…and so forth. This is a major sin and sometimes leads one out of Islam. The kuffar have no second of relief, and no chance to come back. Answer: To surrender one’s self to God’s will. Allah created the evil and forbade it and does not love it. This book is taught in Muslim universities and mosques worldwide. Answer: Hijaz and Syria. The one who is ignorant of the personal obligatory knowledge is sinful. Where did the prophets mentioned in Quran live? The Prophet told us this. This is the method of the scholars who received knowledge in that manner.

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