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21 January 2021

why glyphosate is bad

There has been – and continues to be – much debate over the effects of, . After the introduction of Roundup® in 1974, farmers began using more and more of the weed-killer to make life on the farm a little bit easier, by killing off invasive species of weeds that could … Glyphosate Causes Kidney, Liver, And Eye Damage. Given the trace amounts of glyphosate that people typically ingest, EPA and other regulators have concluded that glyphosate is not likely to cause cancer or other harm. And just in this past year or so, the swirl of controversy has intensified. This means you’re never 100% protected from glyphosate, even if you only eat organic—or just simply drink water. (6). At the same time, it may be toxic to other speciesxvi xvii, so reducing their populations. It can easily become overwhelming to your delicate biological systems. to be perpetually tainted with something that is doing actual, documented harm to your body – and the agencies meant to protect you from such harm just ignore it. It inhibits a plant enzyme involved in the synthesis of three aromatic amino acids: tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine. I see very strong correlations between the rise in a long list of debilitating autoimmune, neurological and oncological diseases exactly in step with the rise in use of glyphosate on core crops. This is most often done to grains, in order to make sure they dry out sufficiently for storage and transport. When aquatic systems become polluted, this can have far reaching effects on other aquatic systems and affect our drinking water. There’s a very good reason why the scientific community, of which I am a part of, does not share your conclusions relating to glyphosate. The farmer plants the GMO seeds, soaks the crop in Roundup, and then sells that crop to food manufacturers. . Cheerios, for example, provide a hefty dose of glyphosate. 5. Was the water used for irrigation or for animals contaminated? A year later, “the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Health Organization found that the chemical was ‘unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans from exposure through the diet.’”. In addition, this study demonstrated once again that Roundup as a, combined with other chemicals created even more of a hormone disruption. (9). More research is needed, but there is increasing evidence that, For example, an analysis of current studies published in 2019 found that, increases the risk of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) — a type of cancer — by a whopping 41%. In addition, there is a process known as “desiccating”. Norwegian researchers found that soybeans grown from “Roundup Ready” (GMO) seeds contain glyphosate within the beans themselves. Compare these two pictures taken in my village, of an area sprayed with chemicals and just a little further down the road some ‘weeds’ left to grow, which will feed many insects and bees. Moreover, the combination of glyphosate and other herbicides to try to get around weed resistance creates a new type of untested hazard: the potential toxicity of chemical mixtures. Even in small amounts, glyphosate and other glyphosate agents harm the human embryonic and placental cells as well as the DNA of humans, amphibians, animals, animals, reptiles, birds, fish, other aquatic organisms and all sorts of other forms of life. Your body uses glycine to create glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps your liver detoxify. Most of the safety regulations and standards developed in reference to the use of glyphosate are based on outdated studies. Prevalence of Use. It doesn’t end there, though. That’s important to know because research shows that glyphosate negatively impacts gut bacteria. (10), In fact, glyphosate has intense antibiotic capabilities and can destroy the balance of your microbiome and gut. Most of the hard work is done by your liver. You may have heard the expression, “Health begins in the gut”. (4). A recent EPA assessment of human health risks determined that glyphosate does not bio-accumulate after oral exposure. But before we get into the dangers of glyphosate, let’s look at what it is and how it’s getting into your body. Monsanto argues glyphosate is safe, but the types of studies necessary to prove human safety or toxicity haven’t been done. Consequently, amino … Did it travel through the air to a neighboring field? (6). Here are some reasons why that may be bad news…. I can’t imagine how bad things would be for her if we weren’t already doing everything possible to keep her system functioning. Repeated exposure to GBHs may affect our nerve cells and brain functioning. There are links between glyphosate and neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Autism, and ADHD. In order to preserve crops so farmers had higher yields with less risk, Monsanto then created seeds for plants that do not die when sprayed with RoundUp. While users are instructed specifically to spray in contained areas, herbicides and pesticides can easily blow and leach into other areas. And now glyphosate has been found in infant feeding tubes. As she puts it, the use of Roundup and glyphosate is “. Privacy & Cookies Policy  | Terms of Service | Disclaimer, By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of cookies, revised Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, Reasons To Be Cautious About This Chemical. (7), Studies on rats have revealed that low levels of glyphosate damage the kidney and liver (8) and in 2013 a study found that by mimicking estrogen, glyphosate causes breast cancer cells to proliferate (spread). Often toxins are stored in fat when your body is overloaded and cannot deal with them immediately. They reported that glyphosate and Roundup reduce both sperm motility and mitochondrial activity, as well as compromise sperm viability and integrity. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of HoneyColony and his community. Many scientists have noted a strong association between GBHs and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says glyphosate is “, practically non-toxic and not an irritant, In contrast, the scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) report that glyphosate is “. The current debate is mainly lives for two Positions: who says that glyphosate is bad for health and agriculture; and who explains that is safe as a whole. It seems as though different regulatory bodies are busy passing the buck, and, especially in the U.S., there are no clear guideline as to where the burden of proof should lie. When glyphosate is used for “pre-harvest desiccation,” it is sprayed on the crop after it has already matured. A senior research scientist with the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stephanie Seneff, has been studying the long-term effects of glyphosate on humans for a long time. Conventional agricultural practices dominate because we have failed to support organic practices; we let lobbying practices of Big Ag dictate policies. Glyphosate is most frequently used in agriculture to kill weeds in crops that have been genetically engineered to survive glyphosate use (particularly corn, soybeans, and cotton).,body%20by%20relieving%20fluid%20retention.&text=Lemongrass%20is%20nature’s%20formula%20for%20taming%20high%20blood%20pressure. If you get it in your eyes, it could lead to mild irritation or a superficial corneal injury. Unfortunately, in a world filled with so many environmental toxins, our bodies are constantly confronted with them. Getty. Why Monsanto's Glyphosate Is So Dangerous to Humans "Farmers have sprayed billions of pounds of a chemical now considered a probable human carcinogen." Here’s a (hopefully understandable) breakdown of some reasons why we should approach this chemical with caution, if not avoid it all together. This is because about 70% of your immune system and response is led by your microbiome – the complex ecosystem of organisms that reside in your digestive system. Roundup Kills Human Cells Within 1 Day of Exposure. And yet…. ©2011 – 2021 HoneyColony LLC. Why Glyphosate Should Be Banned. Kettle & Fire is not suggesting that any individual consumer’s experience with our products is representative of the experience of others. 4 Amazing Ways Collagen and Bone Broth Heal Your Gut, Food Trends: Coronavirus drives search for healthy, fatty & sweet foods. Consumer reviews, testimonials and opinions are based on the experiences of individual Kettle & Fire consumers. In order to preserve crops so farmers had higher yields with less risk, Monsanto then created seeds for plants that do not die when sprayed with RoundUp. In most cases, if your body absorbs a toxin, you have a built-in filtration system to get rid of it. It’s a good system. In addition, it depletes your body of specific minerals and amino acids, while impairing metabolic enzymes. And though each instance of contact with glyphosate may seem small, they all add up — especially since this everyday toxin “tricks” your body into storing it, by mimicking other essential nutrients. How can that be? Glyphosate is everywhere. For this reason, Monsanto started developing plants that. Do you remember past attempts to placate us about other toxic chemicals, like asbestos, lead, benzene, mercury, PCBs, and so on? For example, an analysis of current studies published in 2019 found that exposure to glyphosate increases the risk of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) — a type of cancer — by a whopping 41%. GBHs are the most popular forms of herbicides worldwide, and their use is only expected to increase. In contrast, the scientists at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (part of the World Health Organization) report that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic” (cancer-causing). Glyphosate is the world’s most heavily used herbicide. In addition, there is a process known as “desiccating” where farmers douse their crops with glyphosate just before harvest. 3. Kettle & Fire is not suggesting that any individual consumer’s experience with our products is representative of the experience of others. In addition, this study demonstrated once again that Roundup as a source of glyphosate combined with other chemicals created even more of a hormone disruption. Roundup is a brand name version of a glyphosate-based herbicide produced by Monsanto, and although it's the most commonly used herbicide, many are left wondering what’s safe and what’s not when it comes to glyphosate with its long history of controversies. Little wonder MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff, whom we mentioned above stated,  “I see very strong correlations between the rise in a long list of debilitating autoimmune, neurological and oncological diseases exactly in step with the rise in use of glyphosate on core crops.” (12), With all this information about how easy it is to be consuming glyphosate, and just a few of the examples of the incredible damage glyphosate does to your body, you must be wondering…, Thankfully, as research grows, some governments are wising up. This is no different [from] what Rachel Carson wrote over 50 years ago in Silent Spring. But due to its toxicity, it also has the potential to be harmful to other organisms. When asked what his foremost health/environmental concern is about glyphosate, Bruce Lanphear, professor of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University and co-author of this commentary in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health (2017), responded: My foremost concern is that, despite the placations of Monsanto and the EPA, glyphosate has not been shown to be safe. and your body can mistake the glyphosate for the healthy kind of glycine you need for proper detoxification. In general, degraded ecological biomass and a loss of biodiversity can be expected in areas exposed to widespread GBH spraying. Glyphosate is a chemical that is very similar to an amino acid in our body called glycine. It’s been found in water supplies – probably from run-off from fields. Compound And Cumulative Effects Remain Unknown, But Could Be Severe. Essentially, as it degrades, glyphosate creates glycine and your body can mistake the glyphosate for the healthy kind of glycine you need for proper detoxification. Glyphosate can also form complexes with metal ionsxv, potentially affecting the availability of nutrients in the soil. Whether you’ve heard of the chemical glyphosate or not, you’ve almost definitely heard of the brand name it’s most commonly associated with: Monsanto. Many safety regulations have been developed based on experiments involving just glyphosate, which some policy makers claim is harmless. One important role for glycine is supporting your Central Nervous System (CNS). That’s a challenge in and of itself, but glyphosate is one of the worst toxins around because not only does it permeate the food we are eating, remain in the earth when we grow something else, enter the animals’ food supply and bodies, and our water…. | Privacy Policy. What Is Bone Marrow Soup and Why Is It Good for You? So how’s the average person supposed to come to their own conclusions given the level of political salience and biological complexities behind the use of glyphosate? There are many indications that GBHs have the capacity to disrupt the balance of male and female hormones, as well as disrupt reproductive systems in various ways. Are we implying there can be glyphosate in organic food? Can Mindfulness Meditation Make Us Better Humans? And it has been established that people exposed to GBHs on a regular basis are at higher risk of eye damage. (3) Glyphosate has even been found in breast milk and the urine of unborn babies! You probably believe that any form of pesticides in food is not the best for human health — and we agree — but let's talk about why you should be concerned about glyphosate in particular. Regulatory agencies like EFSA also evaluate the risk of harm, depending on factors such as the toxicity and the way people are exposed to a chemical. It’s probably disappointing to discover that even eating organic foods doesn’t guarantee glyphosate free…. The goal is to totally kill the crop, so that it dries out faster and can be harvested a few weeks sooner, thus lessening the risk that it will be destroyed through bad … Further, glyphosate is a hormone disruptor. In the United States and Canada especially, this is doing little to stop the use of glyphosate in commercial farming. Why is Glyphosate so bad? Glyphosate has also been linked to colitis and celiac disease. Commercially it’s most commonly known under the brand name “Roundup”. Absolutely. The information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of HoneyColony, unless otherwise noted. PRE-HARVEST DESICCATION. Your body uses glycine to create glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps your liver detoxify. As well as help you create true glycine, which can help you purge harmful glyphosate from your body! Of course glyphosate is toxic! Widespread use began in the mid-90s, and since then the use of Roundup and glyphosate skyrocketed! Austria and Germany have banned glyphosate completely (13), and more than 40 total have “restricted or banned the use of glyphosate in food supply productions, or areas that can lead to inadvertent pollution of water, etc.” (14). Dominant corporations like Monsanto like to push the continued production of large-scale GM foods and associated pesticides as a solution to worldwide hunger, but in fact could not be further from the truth. It is used by farmers and homeowners alike, in fields, lawns and gardens. A need for open research Glyphosate is marketed as safe for animals and humans because it’s designed to disrupt a protein production pathway that only plants posses. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Glyphosate also paves the way for Alzheimer’s and … 11 Big Reasons Glyphosate Is Likely Toxic And Should Be Banned, Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 10 Shocking Facts About Sunscreen And Your Health, Dangerous Sunscreen Ingredients: Why You Should Avoid it, can change the properties and increase toxicity. Australian researchers found that low levels of glyphosate lead to a drop in the hormone progesterone. If you swallow it, you may have increased saliva and burns and pain in your mouth and throat. 2.2.2016 7:14 PM. Compared to other herbicides, though, glyphosate is a … To date, over 2 million people have signed this Avaaz petition which was created last year after a 2015 WHO announcement that GBHs may have carcinogenic properties. But the solution there is to choose foods that are certified glyphosate free! Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. When this happens, companies have to recall millions of pounds of food and refund your money because there is just a small chance that you might be affected by the contaminant. It is a herbicide after all – the whole point of glyphosate is to kill unwanted plants. This product is specifically designed to kill any plant it touches, even trees. I notice the difference immediately. It is inaccurate for agricultural companies and policy-makers to conclude that GBHs are safe based on studies designed to assess glyphosate alone; nonetheless, this keeps happening. There has been – and continues to be – much debate over the effects of glyphosate in the food chain. Renée Picard is a freelance writer and editor. Like all chemicals, including waterand salt, glyphosate is going to be toxic to animals (including humans) at somedose. Unpredictable environmental factors can change the properties of a given compound or mixture, thus potentially increasing its toxicity. Those all were considered “safe” until independent studies were done showing that they were toxic. But what are we, as consumers, to do? Several studies on rats and other animals indicate the propensity for such herbicides to lead to various types of kidney and liver damage , even in doses considered to be safe. Because Big Ag is so highly dependent on these herbicides, a further increase in use, and therefore exposure to all types of organisms, including humans, is expected. I feel fortified & more grounded. Scientists have weighed in on the suspected dangers of this substance, and we should listen. All of our products are lovingly crafted with an emphasis on clean, great-tasting nutrition that you can FEEL working. For her, writing has always been an instinct, a craft, a heart-thing. That food could be the lettuce in your salad… (1)The wheat of your bread, cake or cereal… Your oats or oat products… The food given to the cows that you eat as a steak… Or even their milk… The berries of your smoothie… Or your baby’s formula. Why is Glyphosate used? It’s an easy source of quick protein, which I need more of than when I was perfectly healthy. We’ve got an entire library of quotes just like this, for one reason: Best of all, we have an entire selection of flavors that match different palettes and taste preferences. For this reason, Monsanto started developing plants that resist glyphosate. Often this occurs with fresh meat, like ground beef, or fresh produce, like lettuce. 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