Lauris Reiniks to host “Clash Of The Choirs” on TV3 Latvia!
Very soon, starting the new season, TV3 Latvia will present new and original TV show called “Koru Kari” (Clash Of The Choirs). This choir fight will be hosted by Lauris Reiniks who as we remember won the first season of Dancing With The Stars and then hosted Sing With The Star on TV3 Latvia. “I am excited to host this show because I’ve sung myself in choirs not so long ago and I once graduated Jelgava Music College as a choir conducter. I know it all! The show is gonna be a blast!”, says Lauris.
“Koru Kari” will once again prove that Latvians are a singing nation and it will be done with a help of Latvian music stars who will return to their hometowns and cities and create their own choir consisting of local people.
The following stars and cities will compete: Arnis Mednis (ESC 2001) Riga, Dzintars Čīča (Junior ESC 2003) Talsi, Olga Rajecka (Lielvarde), Ieva Akuratere (Riga), Chilli (Liepaja), Miervaldis Jencs (Sigulda) and Atis Auzans (Daugavpils). Every Sunday night they all will come to Riga and fight for audience votes singing on a splendid “Koru Kari” stage live on TV3. The show will not only determine the most singing town or city in Latvia, but also discover new talents and future stars among singers from the choirs.
Check out the news about the show on TV3 Latvia website here!