Richie Roo (Ričijs Rū) and Reiniks receive Platinum disc
On April 22, at a sold out concert show in VEF culture palace, Guntars Račs, the head of MicRec Publishing, presented a Platinum Disc to Lauris Reiniks and Rūta Reinika-Preisa, the creators of Ričijs Rū project. “Ričijs Ru rīko koncertu” (Richie Roo throws a concert) album and the book has been sold more than 10 000 copies.
Guntars Račs: “It’s a joy and honour to award Lauris and Ruta with this Platinum disc, because it is a very, very rare happening in Latvia, especially nowadays. Congratulations also to everyone else involved- Veronika Reinika (lyricist) and Guna Mikelsone (illustrator). MicRec Publishing is very proud of this success and we’re looking forward to new songs and a book with new adventures of our beloved bear. “
Nearly 2 years ago Rūta Reinika-Preisa created Ričijs Rū, the main character of songs and an interactive book for children. Lauris Reiniks composed all songs based on children poems written by Reiniks’s grandmother Veronika Reinika. The author of the beautiful illustrations is Guna Mikelsone.
CLICK HERE for all songs/videos of Ričijs Rū!

Projekta Ričijs Rū radošā komanda un izdevēji
Richie Roo project has gained staggering success. In addition to the book and album, every song has also a fun and colourful music video. As of today, these videos have been viewed more than 10 million times on YouTube. The concert show of Ričijs Rū has been played more than 50 times around Latvia, the fairytale book has been released, the “Ričija Rū pasakas” TV show has been launched on TET+ and right now the creators are working on a sequel. Ričijs Rū 2 is scheduled for release by the end of summer of 2023 which will be followed by a new concert tour.
Rūta Reinika-Preisa, creator and producer of Ričijs Rū: “Huge thank you to everyone who believed in us from the very beginning! And thanks for the push to those who rejected us and said that people don’t buy such books with albums anymore. Let us be an inspiration for all not to stop at rejections, do what you like and truly believe in your heart. We move on and the new book and songs about new Richie Roo adventures is already on its way to children. “
At the end of 2022, this project was also introduced to children in Lithuania. In the neighbouring country it is called “Ričis Ra su muzika gera” (Richie Roo with a good music). All songs and poems in the book are translated by Deivydas Zvanokus. The featured artist in the Lithuanian version is Liepa Norkevičienė, a well known Lithuanian singer and a long term Lauris’s duet partner in Lithuania.
CLICK HERE for all songs/videos of Ričis Ra!
“Ričijs Rū rīko koncertu” book has also received a recognition of Riga central library as the best children book of 2021.
photo: Ritvars Stankevičs / MicRec