20 August 2012

Lauris Reiniks tops the Baltic charts and goes to USA

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Lauris Reiniks who recently released the new version of his Latvian hit song “Sirds sadeg neparasti”  for Estonia and Lithuania is currently topping the National radio charts in both neighboring countries. This is already the third song by Lauris Reiniks that has reached the very top in all three Baltic states.


The Estonian version “Süda vaikselt närbub” is #1 song on the most popular Estonian music radio station “Elmar” for the second week already. The Lithuanian version “Širdis sudegus tyliai” has reached the 1st position in the 3rd week of an airplay on radio “Lietus”. The emotional video story of these versions has moved hundreds of thousands of people on YouTube. In 4 weeks the Estonian version has got more than 100.000 views while Lithuanian version goes over half a million views.

“I’m very happy and overwhelmed that people have appreciated my song and video and love it. This song has joined my 2 previous successful songs for Estonia and Lithuania (Pasaka, Es skrienu) and that’s really great. It was very emotional to hear people in Estonia already singing my song along during my concert last weekend. It was an amazing feeling”, says Lauris adding that 3 things-good things are done for now.

At the moment Lauris is in the United States of America where together with the Emmy award winner and American composer of Latvian descent Lolita Ritmanis he is working on his Christmas album “Lauris Reiniks Ziemassvētkos” (Lauris Reiniks in Christmas). Album is set for release at the end of this year. A concert show with the same title will take place at Arena Riga on December 20, 2012.

Baltic versions of “Sirds sadeg neparasti”:



